A few weeks past the Fireball Class gathered at the National Yacht Club to celebrate the 2022 season, to recognise the superb effort that so many people put into the Fireball Worlds in Lough Derg in August and to award prizes for the summer just past. Joined by a number of past members, there was good turnout of current members on the night which left plenty of opportunity to reminisce on the success of the Worlds.

Class Chairman Neil Cramer (Skerries) opened the proceedings by giving a precis of the season just past, noting that while the turnout at some of the domestic regattas was modest there had been a big turnout of Irish boats at the Worlds – 29, exceeding the number at the Sligo Worlds of 2011, when it could be argued that the fleet was a good deal healthier in terms of numbers. Neil also recorded the fact that for the first time in a number of years the Fireball Class had a representative at the Champion of Champions regatta and could have had two, potentially, except that the National Champion couldn’t make the regatta.

In addition to the perpetual trophies that the Class awards, the evening recognised excellence on the water as confirmed by the Travellers’ Trophy which scores the domestic regattas on aggregate throughout the season.


Travellers’ Trophy

Gold Fleet

1st Chris Bateman & Thomas Chaix 14750, 11pts

2nd Ed Butler (Jnr) & Fionn Conway 14969, 13pts

3rd Noel Butler & Stephen Oram 15061, 16pts

Silver Fleet

1st Brenda Nash & Glen Fisher 14663, 83pts

2nd Cariosa Power & Marie Barry 14854, 87pts

3rd Jim Ryan & David Tanner 14584, 88pts


Perpetual Trophies

1st Lady: Louise McKenna & Hermine O’Keeffe 15016, 5th Overall, Gold Fleet, 30pts

India Trophy: Most Improved; Alastair Court & Gordon Syme, 15167, 8th Overall, Gold Fleet, 43pts

Asterix Trophy: Significant Contribution; The Irish Fireball Class Members – for their support and work for the Fireball Worlds.

(Dun Laoghaire) Class Captain’s Prize: [Owen Sinnott] – Awarded to Glen Fisher for his efforts to get multiple Fireballs back on the water – he owns nearly 10% of the registered fleet, 3 No.

Bradley Trophy – Awarded to Owen Sinnott for his management of the measurement process at the Fireball Worlds – with a newly International Class Measurer in attendance.

Neil Cramer made a presentation to Cormac Bradley to recognise his ongoing efforts on behalf of the Class and his representation at Fireball International.

A presentation was also made to Ian O’Keefe for his work on all the merchandising for the Fireball Worlds in Lough Derg. It had started with a T-shirt and ended up as T-shirts, Polo shirts, caps and banners for the event.


All photos below by Frank Miller.

Class Chairman, Neil Cramer about to get proceedings underway.

And starts with a special presentation to Ian O’Keeffe for designing the merchandising for the Lough Derg Worlds.

Thomas Chaix, Winning Crew, Gold Fleet, Travellers’ Trophy.

Ed Butler (Jnr), 2nd Placed Helm, Gold Fleet, Travellers’ Trophy

Stephen Oram (L) and Noel Butler (R), 3rd Place’ Gold Fleet, Travellers’ Trophy.

Glen Fisher & Brenda Nash, Silver Fleet Winners, Travellers’ Trophy.

Cariosa Power (L) and Marie Barry (R), 2nd Place, Silver Fleet, Travellers’ Trophy.

Louise McKenna (L) and Hermine O’Keefe celebrate winning The Ladies Trophy.

Alastair Court, India Trophy Winner with Gordon Syme.

Class Chairman Neil Cramer announces that the Irish Fireball Class Members have won the Asterix Trophy

Dun Laoghaire Class Captain, Owen Sinnott presents the Captain’s Prize to Glen Fisher.

Cormac Bradley (L) presents the Bradley Trophy to Owen Sinnott.

Class Chairman Neil Cramer makes a presentation to Cormac Bradley. 

Louise McKenna closed out the speeches (nearly) by responding to the award of the Asterix

Trophy to the membership of the Class by paying tribute to the principal parties involved in bringing the International Fireball World Championships to Lough Derg Yacht Club.

By popular acclaim the regatta had proven to be a huge success, by way of total entries, 79 boats, the social side of the regatta and the catering undertaking.  Considering the circumstances at the time, and the perceived risk of trying to organise the event at such short notice, it was a tribute to Neil Cramer (Management and Overall Financial Control), Frank Miller (Marketing & Meetings), Owen Sinnott (Measurement) and Marie Barry (Catering) that the event had been such an enormous success.

She then revealed a secret plot to have a further dinner to celebrate the success of the regatta and to recognise the contribution of the four named individuals by way of an invitation for them and their partners to attend.  A fund has been initiated for the dinner which will take place in February 2023.

The FABULOUS FOUR – (L – R); Owen Sinnott, Neil Cramer, Marie Barry and Frank Miller.