Scoring of the 2022 Traveller’s Trophy

(Updated via EGM 12/06/2022)


  1. The Traveller’s Trophy Series from 2022 shall consist of the programmed regional regattas and the Nationals and the Fireball World Championship when held on the Island of Ireland. In any year where a Fireball World Championship or a Fireball European Championship takes place on the island of Ireland it shall be included in the Traveller’s series. These scoring rules will apply to all future seasons unless changed by discussion and majority vote at the AGM)
  2. The programmed regional regattas are the Leinsters, the Ulsters, the Munsters and the Open Championships.
  3. Low-point scoring shall apply to all events in the Traveller’s Trophy; (1st = 1pt, 2nd = 2pts, i.e., a boat’s place shall equal her finishing place unless she is scored DNF, DNC etc. when her score is computed on the basis of the total entry.). However, for the National Championships and World Championship when foreign boats also compete an adjustment shall be made as outlined in paragraph 6.
  4. The place achieved in the Nationals regatta shall not be weighted in any way and shall be scored in the same way as the place in any of the regional regattas.
  5. A single discard shall apply when four or more events have been sailed.
  6. Visiting Fireballs that contest Irish Fireball regattas but are not members of the Irish Class Association shall be scored in accordance with the rules proposed here. However, they shall not be eligible for (Irish) Class Trophies, nor shall they be eligible for selection to international Fireball events on the basis of their participation in our events. Irish boats finishing behind visiting Fireballs shall have their scores adjusted by the removal of the visiting boats from the Traveller’s Trophy scoring. For clarity, if the best overall Irish sailor score at Nationals or Worlds is 8th, when visiting sailors scores are removed, they will be scored as 1st for the purposes of calculating the Travellers, and so on for all other Irish Fireball Association members.
  7. Where attendance at either the ‘Fireball European Championship’ or ‘Fireball World Championship’ prevents a boat from sailing either the regional or the National regattas, average points shall be awarded to the boats concerned, in accordance with the World Sailing RRS. The award of average points shall be timed to allow a candidate to contest the nomination for the Irish Sailing’s Senior All-Ireland Championship (also known as the Helmsman’s Championship) and the conclusion of the Traveller’s Trophy. Average points may only be applied to a MAXIMUM of one event.
  8. By participating in a race conducted under these rules, each competitor and boat owner agrees
    1. to be governed by the rules
    2. the decision of the committee is final in any dispute
    3. not to resort to any court or other tribunal outside of Fireball Ireland.